Quickest Way To Get Up To Speed For An Interview
It should go without saying that preparing for an interview is essential. Companies want to see that you have done your homework before the interview and are well informed about them and the role you are interviewing for. I have seen several otherwise qualified and skilled candidates get removed from the process because it was clear in the interview that they had not taken time to research the company. It's frustrating for all involved and completely avoidable. Whether you have 15 minutes or a few days, use this quick checklist to prep for your next interview.
Start Here:
Company's Website Homepage - You can easily tell from here what they do and their unique value proposition.
Press Release Tab - PR teams work really hard to make the company's progress known to the world. See what they are saying.
Hiring Tab - What benefits are they stating make them unique when it comes to attracting talent.
Job Description - The qualification and responsibility sections are a must read, as most of the objections you might receive come from these bullet points. If your qualifications fall short on one of the bullet points, just be ready to overcome that objection. Remember, it is not a deal killer otherwise they would not be talking with you. So overcome that point and move on to the next.
If You Have More Time:
Youtube - Almost every company has a youtube channel and one of those videos will be a 60-120 second elevator pitch.
Crunchbase - Understanding the funding cycle of a startup by utilizing sites like crunchbase. Also, knowing where the money comes from (venture capital backed or private equity backed) is important as this will impact your experience as an employee right from the start.
Glassdoor - Know what people are saying. Where there's smoke there is fire, but unless you see a ton of repetitive reviews don't go overboard. If you see a theme, have them address that concern.